Intelligent Sentinel
Model Software develops computer-based video analysis software technology, the first product of which is the patent-pending Intelligent Sentinel. Applications include:
- Assisting Building Security
- Metropolitan Safety and Security
- Passenger and Port Monitoring for Airports and Ports
- Manufacturing Efficiency Studies
Our technology works by creating a model of an environment to serve as a background. After "learning" the environment, the Intelligent Sentinel can track and record the movements of bodies in that environment. This approach makes systems based on our software superior to conventional systems because:
- Situational Awareness - view an integrated map of the area that shows icons of all ground traffic. Mouse click on an icon to view its video and data.
- We alarm the 3D world, not the pixels. This means that, in contrast to conventional systems with pixel-area-based motion detection, our motion tracking matches the space that humans occupy. This permits our customers to specify much more intelligent and natural rules about what activities within a space truly are alarms, and which are normal activity.
- Real Zones - With advanced tracking algorithms, Intelligent Sentinel can set alarms based on pre-defined or learned patterns of motion within a 3D world. For example, a building owner could pre-define a zone that the system would alarm if anyone entered the zone after 6:00PM. However, the system could also be trained to permit only recognized security personnel into the zone after 6:00PM.
- Real Alarms - Conventional motion detectors create many false alarms, lessening the effectiveness over time of security guards who respond to those false alarms.
- Motion Tracking - Our industry-leading motion tracking algorithms track multiple bodies within a space, in comparison to simple motion detection that only can notify or alarm the appearance of a body in a space. If it is normal for authorized people to move through an area, simple motion detectors would not be armed. Our motion tracking continually monitors movements, discounting the authorized ones.
- Quick intercept - Operators can be much more precise and effective in dispatching security personnel to intercept suspicions persons due to Intelligent Sentinel's continuous tracking. Dispatched personnel can carry hand-held devices that show them the real-time ground tracks of such persons and facilitate predicting their future movements and destinations, or they could be guided via radio dispatch.
- Leverage - Security guards are human, prone to distraction, can only effectively monitor up to six camera views and even at that, they are typically only 75% effective. Intelligent Sentinel can both improve the effectiveness of security guards and greatly leverage the human contribution by only alarming significant activities.
- Labor Saving - In a conventional system, adding cameras requires adding security guards in proportion, or suffer a degradation of the effectiveness of guard monitoring. Staffing around-the-clock shifts is expensive, costing ~$100,000 per year. With Intelligent Sentinel, cameras can be added without the proportionate increase in staff.
- Complete Record - Intelligent Sentinel can track and record movements continuously, from space to space, providing a complete record for replay and analysis.
- Intelligent Event Recording for Situational Awareness - Intelligent Sentinel filters the data to track and record only significant events. Even at only 3 frames per second, conventional systems generate 3GB/hr per camera. Conventional systems use lossy video compression, reducing that substantially, but even with a modest number of cameras, that is still a lot of data to record and review, if necessary. Intelligent Sentinel store selected images, but has the advantage that the images are indexed by the event record, making it much easier to analyze the record.