AST Tour Page 2
table of missions is initially empty. As the AST processes requests, the missions it proposes appear in a table below
the Requests Satisfaction table. As AST runs, it updates the information in this table to provide summary
statistics for assignment of passengers and cargo to aircraft.
Aircraft. A
third view shows the aircraft which are available for use by the scheduler. Typically the JALIS operator will make
only a sensible subset of all working aircraft available to the AST, and only these selected aircraft appear in the table.
As requests are processed and aircraft are assigned to missions, the status column shows the mission assignments for
selected aircraft.
ICAOs. `ICAO' is a general term for all forms
of landing sites, both civilian and military, of any size from a small airstrip to a metropolitan hub. The
view shows information about the locations relevant to the requests and missions under consideration.
Detail screens. Just as full-screen details can be summoned for individual requests, so can full details be shown
for aircraft and
Next: Running the scheduler.
Previous: Initial views.